javascript language

parentheses ()

Can be used for calling a function/method, or setting values, or variables, for the function to use.

function(value1, value2)

Grouping things together, such as conditions, or setting an order of equations.

(x + y) % z
(value 1 && value 2) || value 3

Or to call a method on a string.

Brackets []

Can be used for creating arrays

var anArray = [x, y, z]

or accessing the index number of an array


you can also use bracket notation instead of dot notation. For example, these two call the same condition:


Braces {}

Are used to encapsulate a loop, function, or object

function {

loop {

'single quotes' and "double quotes"

These can be used interchangably to enclose a string, or used as quote marks inside a string.

Bones Pile