meditation process

Meditation Process

Truthfully, I have never delved into the world of meditation very much, although quite a few of my friends have. I definitely wasn't opposed to it, but rather thought that it wouldn't work for me - that my "type of person" was somehow not suitable for meditation. I have always been under the impression that my mind wanders too much to truly take advantage of meditation or anything similar. However, after reading the second chapter of Search Inside Yourself , one of the examples they used is exercise. They compared meditation to pumping iron, in that it flexes your brain rather than your biceps. It was great to read that it is natural for the mind to wander and that it is all part of practicing exercise.

It was also interesting to read about how meditation doesn't have a particular stance (eg. sitting lotus), and that for some people it is even possible to walk around in meditation. Now I will just have to find whichever position is most comfortable for me.

Process over product was an interesting way to work through things because everything looked so hideous at first, there was no way it could turn out nice - right? It was definitely a learning curve and helped me categorise everything to make everything easier, and ultimately a better product.

Goblin Trestle