emotional intelligence


It's great to see a learning style that encourages self-growth as well as knowledge. The EDA experience seems to take a different learning approach and helps you manage yourself as well as your work, which is a nice change from being pressured into mindless learning styles. There are different learning styles for everyone and DEV encapsulates most to include those that may not be taught at other places. I'm excited for what's to come and what I'll learn from this experience. This seems to be the culture and environment I was supposed to be learning in, and I hope DEV proves me right! My expectations haven't changed at all, but it's great that they're being fulfilled (and so early, too). I'm sure it will be fun to learn in this environment and it's a pretty great feeling so far.

Shereef said some really interesting things about fear and how it is normal, and not to let it overcome you. He mentioned the "fear of failing" and also the "fear of success" (which I had never even thought of before). It's my aim to try and utilise the cohart and tutors as much as possible and try to remember that there's no shame in not knowing something.

Goblin Mezzanine