tech one


I am a huge fan of minimalistic styles, but it is incredibly important to find the line between minimalistic and boring. I'm incredibly interested in usability (for everyone) and making everything look aesthetically pleasing to the viewer, without too much stuff going on (and not too little either!) The content of a webpage is important but the way that information is presented can sometimes be even more important to the user.

HTML, CSS, DOM analogy

Think of the creative process of a magazine, Vogue, for example. The HTML is the content of the magazine - the articles, the images, the advertisements. The CSS is the way the content will be presented - the layout of the articles, images, font, sizing etc. The DOM is the physical product of the magazine, the one that is distributed and readers can interact with.


Every thing in a web page is a box. Everything. Going back to our magazine analogy, take one page and whip out a pen. Start drawing boxes - around each article, each picture, each logo, each title, subtitle, everything. This is the way a web page is created and it helps web designers visualise the page easily instead of having a multitude of different shapes. Even the circles are in (invisible) boxes.

Box Model

The box model is the basic layout of designing a website. Each design element of the web is in a box, and this box further separated into four different components.
This consits of: Content, Padding, Border, and the Margin.

Content is where the images and text appear.
Padding is transparent and 'pads' the content.
Border is the border around the padding.
Margin is transparent and is space around the border.

box model