time and habits

time and habits

So far I've just been setting myself a routine, which I plan on adding to as the weeks progress. Lately my routine has been non-existant, so working on that has been a big help. It's just little things so far, like wake up (and get up!) early, make a coffee and sit down to do a couple of exercises or lessons. It's been pretty easy to stick to thus far as I've been enjoying the work a lot. Procrastinating hasn't been a problem (yet!).

It was interesting to hear different perspectives on time-management that all essentially said the same thing. Although it's probably farily obvious, something I hadn't heard before (or had forgotten about) was that everything adds up. Incremental little things amount to a bigger outcome, which is really important to know and keep in mind.

I'm going to experiment with the Pomodoro technique and see how that works, although I won't do that just yet as I haven't had any distraction issues. I would like to add to my daily routine though - exercise in the morning, do a french lesson (or two), then start on dev academy. Having lunches etc. planned would also be a good idea so I don't forget to eat!

Goblin Nihilist