daily mindfulness

I did this exercise with two people. The first was my brother, when he came to visit. We have always had a very close relationship and it has always been extremely strong, so I was intrigued to see how this exercise would work with him. I felt that there was almost no difference from how we talk to each other normally, no matter which role I was. After doing the looping part of the conversation it was clear that we both understood each other perfectly and that there weren't any misinterpretations.

This was interesting in itself as it proved just how well we understand each other, but we did not learn much from it. Therefore I decided to do it again with someone else.

The second mindfulness conversation was with my girlfriend. We get on like two peas, but we've often talked about how we misinterpret things often. As the role of the listener, again, not much changed in the way I usually listen. When she was the listener, she found it difficult not to interrupt. During the looping process it was clear that both of us had misinterpreted a few things. We've decided to try this more frequently to see how it influences our communication together.

I am interested in doing the joyful meditation and am looking forward to learning this way and turning meditation into a habit.

Goblin Glitter